TEA-IS Summer School
Thunderstorm Effects on the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System (TEA-IS) is an ESF Research Networking Programme which started in May 2011 and will last until May 2016. So far there are more than 100 scientists from nine countries involved.
This is the second summer school organised by this ESF project. The previous one took place in Malaga in June 2012
The goal of the TEA-IS Summer School is to provide information to scientists interested in studies to better understand the role of thunderstorms in the atmosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere system. The school includes both lectures and hands-on exercises (using on going observations and satellite data processing). Daily oral and poster sessions will be dedicated to student presentations. The school will encourage discussions between students and senior scientists and scientific collaborations between different research groups.
Considering TARANIS (CNES microsatellite) and ASIM (ESA ISS mission) progress a special part of the school will be dedicated to space projects.